除了在科隆的工作,施瓦茨先生还与拜罗伊特节日乐团(Bayreuth Festival orchestra)、班贝格交响乐团(Bamberg Symphony)、柏林爱乐乐团(the Berlin Philharmonic) 、慕尼黑爱乐乐团(the Munich Philharmonic) 、汉堡国家爱乐乐团(Philharmonic State Orchestra Hamburg)、巴伐利亚国家交响乐团 (Bavarian State Orchestra)、慕尼黑广播交响乐团(the Radio Orchestras of Munich)有过愉快合作。与他合作过的指挥大师有塞尔吉乌·切利比达凯( Sergiu Celibidache)、约翰·普里查德爵士(Sir John Pritchard) 、埃里克·莱茵斯朵夫(Erich Leinsdorf)、吉斯比·辛诺波里(Guiseppe Sinopoli)、柯林·戴维斯爵士(Sir Colin Davis)、库尔特·马舒尔(Kurt Masur)、祖宾·梅塔(Zubin Metha)、丹尼尔·巴伦波伊姆(Daniel Barenboim)、安德烈·普列文(Andre Previn)、克里斯·艾森巴赫(Christoph Eschenbach)、洛林·马泽尔(Lorin Maazel)、詹姆斯·列文(James Levine)和詹姆斯·康伦(James Conlon)等。
奥利弗·施瓦茨还是一位活跃的室内乐音乐家。还在学生时代他就曾在瑞士马蒂尼举行的国际室内乐大赛中荣获“Prix de la Fondation Pierre Gianadda”奖,还录制过诸多作曲家的作品,如勃拉姆斯、莫扎特、里姆斯基·柯萨科夫、普费兹纳、辛德米特、弗朗赛和施密特等。 奥利弗·施 瓦茨是数家室内乐团的创始人及成员,如科隆管乐六重奏、科隆爱乐乐团室内乐团,及安塔雷斯管乐五重奏(其团员来自柏林爱乐乐团、法兰克福广播交响乐团)。2000年夏季,奥利弗·施瓦茨作为唯一的德国单簧管演奏家,受国际单簧管协会(ICA)之邀,参加了一年一度在美国俄克拉荷马州诺曼举行的单簧管艺术节。这次他的美国首场独奏音乐会上,他演奏了舒曼、伯格和勃拉姆斯等名家的作品。
The Bandari Project itself has become an extreme successful product for AVC on a worldwide level.Bandari stands for its own melodious,transparent style within a enormous number of meditation products.Every time you plunge into these impressive music,the stress of everyday’s life will be cured.
In an age of increasing modernization and alienation marked by the threating,omnipresent shadow of civilization,the desire and need for inner peace and harmony becomes increasingly significan.Bandari’s mystic sonorities convey a sense of peace and security.The spheric sounds colored by touches of exotic harmonies create an inner balance with the world and its many cultures.An hour of sensual meditation,a truly unique listening experience.
A group of young,enthusiastic musicians,composers and sound developers is the moving force behind the name bandari.Musical supervisor of the bandari project is Oliver Schwarz,a multi-talented German producer and composer who has worked in various musical fields over the years successfully.He has worked for successful Dance Acts such as Black¢∫White with excellent results in Japan.He has worked together with other famous producers such as Alex Christensen,who has produced(together with Frank Petersen)the Mega-Techno-Hit U96-Das Boot(from the famous movie)or the world famous title〃Time To Say Goodbye〃sung by Sarah Brightman & Anderea Boccelli.